Trailblazer Giving


Your commitment to support our growing trails network today, will help continue the work of multi-use trails advocacy, helping to connect all people in Evansville to the completed trails segments we have, promoting active living within our neighborhoods, city and region. We work as a community partner to advocate for an active transportation system with accessible trails and routes that connect and intersect within and throughout Evansville and Vanderburgh County.

We can’t do this work without you. Our Trails System Network is not yet fully connected—with your help, we will continue to be Evansville’s resource for trails advocacy, current and planned trails project information, maps of current trails that help to identify future segments vital to connecting our system, and existing pedestrian and bicycle networks. Full connectivity is the goal and the desired end result!

Please join us in this work and be the next Trailblazer supporting Evansville’s trails!

The Evansville-Area Trails Coalition, Inc. (d.b.a Evansville Trails Coalition EIN# 271556835) is a nonprofit charitable organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Service and did not provide any goods or services in whole or in partial consideration for your contribution to our organization. Your gift creates lasting community connections—Thank you!